2024 (Full Year) Global: Nissan Worldwide Car Sales by Region and Model

In full-year 2024, Nissan worldwide car sales were flat at 3,348,687 vehicles with the US, China, and Japan as the largest global markets.

In full-year 2024, Nissan worldwide car sales were flat at 3,348,687 vehicles with the US, China, and Japan as the largest global markets.
© Nissan

2024 (January to December): Nissan worldwide passenger vehicle sales were 0.8% weaker at 3,348,687 cars sold worldwide. In Japan, Nissan sales were down by 1.1% to 475,379 vehicles. In the rest of the world, sales were weaker by 0.7%. Nissan sales were stronger in the USA, North America, and Europe. The USA remained the most important new car market for Nissan. China was the second-largest market for Nissan despite a 12% contraction in sales in 2024. Global production of Nissan vehicles contracted by 8.7% to 3,144,470 vehicles worldwide.

Nissan Car Sales Worldwide by Country or Region in 2024

Nissan global sales by major country or market region in full year 2024 were as follows:

Nissan20242023% 24/23
GLOBAL SALES3,348,6873,374,374-0.8
Japan (incl. mini vehicles)475,379480,578-1.1
Passenger vehicles245,539245,864-0.1
Commercial vehicles40,99545,088-9.1
Japan (registration)286,534290,952-1.5
Japan (minivehicles)188,845189,626-0.4
Sales Outside Japan2,873,3082,893,796-0.7
North America1,284,4041,233,5724.1

Nissan Car Production by Country

Nissan vehicle production by region and country was as follows in 2024:

Nissan Production20242023% 24/23
Passenger vehicles594,593647,945-8.2
Commercial vehicles62,39770,582-11.6
Production in Japan656,990718,527-8.6
Production outside Japan2,487,4802,725,637-8.7
Global Car Production3,144,4703,444,164-8.7

Global production of Nissan vehicles in the January-December 2024 period declined 8.7% from a year earlier to 3,144,470 vehicles worldwide. More Nissans were produced in Mexico in 2024 than in any other country in the world. China slipped to second, while Japan was only the third most important country for Nissan production in 2024.

Global Worldwide Car Sales by Brand in 2024 (Full Year)

Global worldwide sales by brand in 2024:

*NOTE: Car sales as reported by the respective car brands. “Sales” often refers to deliveries rather than sales and final registrations by the end consumer. Definitions may vary.

Nissan Global


About the author:

Henk Bekker

Henk Bekker is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience in online writing. His best-selling cars website has been reporting car sales statistics since 2008 with classic car auction prices focusing on the most expensive automobiles sold at public auctions in the past decade. He also owns the travel websites European-Traveler.com and Lake Geneva Switzerland. Henk holds an MBA from Edinburgh Business School and an MSc in Finance from the University of London.